Saturday 18 May 2013

kontrak sosial dan konsep setuju tidak bersetuju

kontrak sosial

Teori mengenai kontrak sosial telah diutarakan sarjana barat yang merupakan ahli teori demokratik iaitu Thomas hobbes dan John locke yang berpendapat kontrak sosial ialah manusia yang cuba untuk mewujudkan sesebuah negara melalui perjanjian bersama dimana setiap individu dalam sesebuah negara akan bersetuju dengannya4.Kontrak juga dapat didefinisikan sebagai individu-individu yang bebas untuk bersetuju bagi menyerahkan haknya untuk memerintah diri sendiri kepada satu institusi bersama yang berkuasa dan berdaulat5.

Kontrak boleh juga didefinisikan sebagai satu perjanjian formal dengan mewujudkan syarat-syarat tertentu antara du pihak atau lebih6. Kontrak juga bermaksud satu dokumen yang mengandungi syarat-syarat perjanjian atau pun undang-undang yang berkaitan dengan kontrak. Manakala sosial pula bermaksud segala yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat7. Maka kontrak sosial boleh digabungkan untuk ditakrifkan sebagai satu bentuk perjanjiann atau permuafakatan yang bertulis dan telah ditetapkan oleh undang-undang atau perlembagaan yang melibatkan kesemua masyarakat dalam sesebuah negara.

Di malaysia kontrak sosial merupakan satu persefahaman antara kaum yang telah dicapai sebelum merdeka melalui satu persetujuan dalam kalangan rakyat dan juga pemimpin yang terdiri daripada kaum melayu, cina dan india. Persetujuan kontrak sosial juga telah dipersetujui oleh parti-parti yang diwakili oleh mereka iaitu seperti parti UMNO,MCA dan MIC. Secara hakikatnya istilah kontrak sosial tidak wujud dalam perlembagaan persekutuan 1957 namun istilah kontrak sosial wujud apabila terdapat permuafakatan atau persetujuan yang telah dicapai antara kaum yang akan menentukan sifat sesebuah negara.Oleh itu, kontrak sosial yang telah dipersetujui perlu untuk dijadikan sebagai rujukan asas untuk menegakkan keadilan sosial di negara malaysia ini8.

konsep setuju tidak bersetuju

Konsep bersetuju untuk tidak bersetuju ialah perbezaan pendapat antara Umno,Mca dan Mic terhadap beberapa perkara yang terdapat dalam perlembagaan persekutuan tanah melayu 1957.Seperti isu bahasa,hak kerakyatan,hak istimewa orang melayu dan sistem penddidikan.

Sunday 17 June 2012

development in alamesra

Development of university malaysia sabah(urbanization)  : impact to the local area(alamesra).
Researh background
Change on the human habitat and enviroment was happen in the beginning when human know how to make benefit in the enviroment resourse but at the beginning the uses were in little uses.  Development of university malaysia sabah has make a big change to the local area.   This researh are the continous of the older researh in urbanization . university malaysia sabah is one of malaysia public university . Malaysia is among the fast growing developing countries in the East. Since independence 1957, together with nationwide progress and development, the rapid urbanization took place and this led to a massive migration of people from rural villages to urban and newly growth areas(zaid ahmad,nobaya ahmad,haslinda abdulah).ums students came from all around malaysia and also has international students that were study here . the increase of the students give  impact to the local area .  in the international seminar ‘ecologi , human habitat ,and physical change’ is one of the relation  between human and physical enviroment (abdul samad). Intention of this researh is to identify the main impact of  the urbanization of university malaysia sabah to housing area in alamesra  .after the development of university malaysia sabah ,alamesra has been develop .the increse of human in this area were the beginning of the new development place .To indentify the change of alamesra after the development of ums in a few dacades after the development of ums.there are alot of change of alamesra after the increse students in university malaysia sabah. this researh is about to see the changes of alamesra after the development of university malaysia sabah .
Commercial development at alamesra area was launched in 2004 and has been  completed and fully estimated sales are RM166.9 milion.residential area has not fully develop ,the shop can cater to student from university malaysia sabah.there were 20,000 students and staff on campus .alamesra strategically located in new kota kinabalu industrial park development corridor and itis opposite to university malaysia sabah. alamesra also have 12-acre private park ,landscape in lush greenery.the total area for alamesra is 265-acre along with sulaman-coastal highway.
There are certain issues and characterististics that are peculiar to any urbanization prosess and university malaysia sabah is no exception .development always perceived as a prosess that bring about changes in sosial and cultural . many studies show that development (urbanization) that make a changes to the local area around the development area .
 This paper is aimed to discovering the relationship between the process development (urbanization ) between university malaysia sabah and alamesra area. The discusion will be focusing on various related aspects of urbanism including urban values and culture , social defference and spatial devisions ,community and neighborhood .
This studies bringing together academic perspective that will using observation and analysis the changes of alamesra .basically the research is about the change of alamesra because of the development (urbanization ) of university malaysia sabah.

Research  problem
     The existance of a branch of systematic geography which is called ‘urban geography ‘ implies that are discrete area of study which can be legitimetely set apart from other systematics areas , including ,specifically , arural geography (the study of urban geography ,harold carter). Malaysia as described by many economists and development scientists is one of the fast growing developing countries in the East. Since its independence 1957, the rapid process of economic development and urbanization that took place throughout the country had led to a massive migration of people from rural villages to urban and newly growth areas(Urbanism, Space and Human Psychology: Value Change and Urbanization in Malaysia Zaid Ahmad Nobaya Ahmad Haslinda Abdullah )There are a lot of change to the  local area around university malaysia sabah after the  construction of ums .this construction give many impact to the enviroment and  human. Today in all countries  urban populations are growing faster  than rural and this proses are called urbaniztion (human geography ,culture ,connections and landscapes by edward f.bergman).urban area was increase as human resident in malaysia in this three decades .compared this situation with at the early 1900 malaysia still has poor urbanisation and only have rural area such as village in the river area(abdul samad hadi 2010).
    The development of ums has make the chenge of alamesra . Urban planning as a discipline has undergone many changes over the past few years .whether those change in the discipline are able to cope with the wholesome  urban changes at the presents are depends on the conceptual and practical appropriateness of the discipline itself and the real world in the city(urban planning for sustainable urbanization, abdul samad hadi , abdul hadi harman shah and shaharudin idrus 2006). Urbanization of human and enviroment was begin at the beginning when human know how to make benefit from natural resourse but at that time they only use for daily use(abdul samad hadi ,2010).the rapid rate of urbanisation has been due to a number of factors , including changes in the world economy and in inperial policy (diana patel).  
Development and urbanization is something that make the difference to the area that are changing from poor to more urban . Urbanization is always perceived as a process that brings about changes in social and cultural settings of the population( Urbanism, Space and Human Psychology: Value Change and Urbanization in Malaysia Zaid Ahmad Nobaya Ahmad Haslinda Abdullah).urbanization make the change to the natural lanskap and changing the habitat for natural resourses such as plants , animal and insects. The replacment of natural habibts  by urbanization has reduced the abundance or caused the disappearance of some insect species(jancy k.rickman and edward f.connor) .development that are being face by alamesra are the urbanization that are the effect from the incrase of population of the area.  by urbanization we mean all forms of urban land-use , commercial ,industrial , and transportation .for example shoping mall (1 borneo) and resident (alamesra). Replacment of natural habibts by human –dominated areas result in habitat loss and fregmentation .habitat loss and fragmentation create a landscape of remnant habitat patches that vary in size ,shape ,and isolation(abensperg-traun and smith 1999). Urbanization and economic development are intemately related . where a remarkable rate of economic growth has been accompanied by a process of urbanization that is unprecedented in human history ,both in scale and in speed .(e van de poel , o o’donnell , e van doorslaer,2009.) with the growth of the area and the expansion of wage employment, will attract human to migrated (diana patel).

  The development of ums also give impact to the enviroment .since the replacment of natural habitats by both urban and agricultural land-use results in habitat loss and fragmentation , any unique effects of urbanization must arise because of difference in the quality of the remaining habitat patches or difference in effects of the ‘matrix’ (urban or agriculture ) on dispersal between patches( jancy k.rickman and edward f.connor). Replacement of natural habitats by human-dominated areas results in habitat loss and fragmentation. Habitat loss and fragmentation create a landscape of remnant habitat patches that vary in size, shape, and isolation(Jancy K. Rickman and Edward F. Connor). The isolation of a habitat patch may also be associated with the abundance and diversity of insect species. Habitat fragments isolated by human-dominated regions are less likely to be re-colonized by the native biota(Jancy K. Rickman and Edward F. Connor).

This paper is aimed to discovering the relationship between the prosess of development university malaysia sabah with the changes of alamesra .the discussion will focusing on various related aspects of urbanization . this will including the values, and the enviroment of alamesra . The later phase of Malaysia’s urban development was marked by the rapid industrialization and the establishment of new growth areas. This can be considered as the second phase of post independent development i.e. beginning early 1970’s until present. In fact, some scholars describe the fast growing urbanization since 1970’s was actually the noticeable impact of globalization (Zaid Ahmad ,Nobaya Ahmad ,Haslinda Abdullah)

Research problem

This researh was doing to find the impact of urbanization to the local area.
1.    Identify the impact of the urbanization of university malaysia sabah to the housing area in alamesra and the shopping complex.

2.    How the increase of students in university malaysia sabah give an impact to the enviroment of alamesra and shopping complex.

3.    How the enviroment of alamesra change in the flow of the development in the university malaysia sabah

4.    How the changing of alamesra give impact to the economic sector .

5.    How the change of alamesra and shopping complex give benefit to the local enviroment

Researh Objectif 

Objectif  of this research are:
1.    Intention of this researh is to identify the main impact of  the urbanization of university malaysia sabah to housing area in alamesra.

2.    To indentify the change of alamesra after the development of ums in a few dacades after the development of ums.

3.    Find the benefit of university malaysia sabah to the local enviroment especially in alamesra area .

4.    The incrase population in university malaysia sabah give impact to the economic sector in alamesra .

Defination of researh operation
Development of university malaysia sabah(urbanization)  : impact to the local area(alamesra).

Development (urbanization )
Development is something that are changing from one level to the other level . changing level is the movement of life in population of human .population of human that be in the same place , at the same time and give their ideas using natural resourse and enviroment to change their life to be better . it is the migration from hard to easier .Development also change to better from poor condition that will help human to become more sophiticated and urban . in this researh development (urbanization ) were the improment of university malaysia sabah and alamesra that have change together as the increse number of student .the changing of university malaysia sabah give effect to the local are especially in alamesra .

The effect from something  that has change in the development or urbanization were called as impact . there will two type of impact that is positive and negative impact . positive impact will give oppurtunity , goodness, hope and prosperity to human and mankind. Negative impact will give suffer , hard life and dificullty to human and mankind. In this researh impact is the transformation and  changing that have give the new look or changing enviroment to the researh area . 

Local area
Local area is the place that located around the main area that are need to the main researh area . in this researh local area is the place that get the effect from the new develoment from that place. The main area give their effect to the local area and both of the place get benefit from the development . for this researh the local area around university malaysia sabah . the area that had been choosen is alamesra that are located at sulaman highway .alamesra is the new housing area and new economic area .
Researh limitation

Researh area
The researh area are in alamesra that are located infront of university malaysia sabah . located in the new Kota Kinabalu Industrial Park development corridor.alamesra are area consisting of 82 units of 3 and 4-storey shop offices and 111 units of 2 and 3-storey shop offices, Alamesra has an 12-acre private park, landscaped in lush greenery, will be the largest playground for everyone. Alamesra will be know as The largest Eco-cyber township in Sabah.
There are alot  type of properties that were provided there such as
Housing area
·         Desa saujana boutique bungalows in cotemporary moden style.
·         Desa saujana boutique bungalows in cotemporary tropical style.
·         Cotemporary   semi-D home.
·         Cotemporary  townhouse.
·         Shop office
basic facilities in alamesra
·           transportation and communications systems
·         water and power lines
·         public institutions including police station
·         church
·         car park
·         refuse dump
·         recycle center

university malaysia sabah
university malaysia sabah are located in sabah . it was located in kota kinabalu area . university malaysia sabah are one of malaysia public university . university malaysia sabah was build at 24 november 1994 .
Map of university malaysia sabah

sample size
 the total area for alamesra is 265-acre and consist alot type of facilities. This area are the researh area on my study. Alamesra  has many facilities that were needed by a students  such as  book shop and cybercafe.

Subject  researh
The subject for this researh are the students  and staff of university malaysia sabah and the resident of alamesra . this researh will find the relation between people in university malaysia sabah and the development of alamesra . how the increases of students give impact to the development of alamesra in context of urbanization . the urbanization of alamesra is the impact of the development of university malaysia sabah .
Alamesra have many  resident and some of them were working and study in university malaysia sabah . the location of alamesra that are located infront of university malaysia sabah make them feel comfortable to go working and live in alamesra . there are also  have students that rent house in alamesra area to make them easy to go for their class .
Every years there are more than 4000 students come for their study in university malaysia sabah . the increses numbers of students is helping the development in university malaysia sabah . the increses of students give impact to the local area around university malaysia sabah. alamesra also get the impact of development in university malaysia sabah. the are always have development in university malaysia sabah especially in education that can attract poeple in around malaysia and also international students.
New students come every years tu university malaysia sabah
Geography students in university malaysia sabah. this geography students are under school of science social. There number of students
In university malaysia sabah have many falcuties such as . sktm , sss , spe , spks , sps , sppps , spu , spta and ssmp .

Theoritical framework

A consequence of urban development in a basin is the increase of peak discharge and surface flow which may cause flooding. Main channel design has to take into account future city development. A mathematical conceptual rainfall-runoff model was developed in order to simulate an urban basin at Porto Alegre (Brazil). The model has four algorithms: depression, interception losses, soil storage, basin routing and channel routing. Based on the Urban Development Master Plan, some of the model parameters were modified and evaluated, and a preliminary assessment of the effect of urbanization on flow hydrographs was made.
( Simulation of the urbanization effect in flow, JOSE C, MOTTA JR, CARLOS E, M. TUCCI)

 urbanization as an ideal to be achieved by the urbanization process and urban growth in Malaysia. Sustainable urbanization should become the common shared value for every citizen and urbanite. Yet the concept is still far from being clear to guide city governance and planners. Cities keep on expanding in size in the country. The urbanization of capital at the global level in the thirty years has made it possible for Malaysia to adopt industrialism as a means to bring itself out of the third world to first in the 2020. ( Urban Planning for Sustainable Urbanization ,   ABDUL SAMAD HADI1, ABDUL HADI HARMAN SHAH2  & SHAHARUDIN IDRUS1 )

Malaysia is among the fast growing developing countries in the East. Since independence
1957, together with nationwide progress and development, the rapid urbanization took
place and this led to a massive migration of people from rural villages to urban and newly
growth areas. Soon these immigrants became urban dwellers. It is generally recognized that
in any urbanization process, one of the most crucial setbacks is space. In fact space gives
enormous impact on the values and attitudes of urban dwellers.( Urbanism, Space and Human Psychology: Value Change and Urbanization in Malaysia , Zaid Ahmad, Nobaya Ahmad, Haslinda Abdullah)

Rapid urbanization could have positive and negative health effects, such that the net impact
on population health is not obvious. It is, however, highly pertinent to the human welfare
consequences of development.( The Health Penalty Of China’s Rapid Urbanization, E. Van de Poela ,O. O’Donnellb ,E. Van Doorslaera)

the process of urbanization itself has been on going for some time , opening up space for people migrating to the urban areas with the hope of a better life in  a clean and safe enviroment ,culmulating into local livalibility. The article argues that good physical form , charateristed by measurable physical viarables ,based on stuctured observations , can lead to a more congenial atmosphere ,lively , peaceful and safe in terms of economics ,social ,cultural and enviroment aspects , hence  the livability of the place and subsequently leading to the creation of sustainable city.(urban livability : relation  between urban physical morpology and livability of area,shaharudin idrus, adbul samad hadi , abdul hadi harman shah)

research methodology
researh location
for this researh ,  location that were being analysis is alamesra and university malaysia sabah . this place are located in kota kinaballu , get data about this area i will  using observation and interview the construction company . to get the map on this area , i will go to Jabatan ukur tanah dan pemetaan malaysia that are located in kota kinabalu town area. All data about this location will be there .
the sampel for this researh is university malaysia sabah and resident of alamesra . them is the reason of development  university malaysia sabah and alamesra . economic sector will increase when there are most investor be there.
Collecting data
To collect data , using literature review and  questionaire form . from this form we will get the data from the students and residents . data from the students can be collected by using questionaire form .

Researh methods
1.Intention of this researh is to identify the main impact of  the urbanization of university malaysia sabah to housing area in alamesra.
To get this data i will meet the developer of alamesra .the developer is lintasan mayang development sbn bhd @kota kinabalu,sabah.(address: Lot 101 & 102, DBKK L-1 &L-2, Block L, Lorong Plaza Permai 5, Alamesra, Sulman-Coastal Highway, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah)
Contact No.
088 4317 77
Fax No.
088 4339 19

To get data for  students of university malaysia sabah that lives in outside of housing kolej in university .
Jabatan hal ehwal pelajar ,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Jalan UMS, 88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Telefon: (+6088) 320000 atau 320474, Faks : (+6088) 320223
Pertanyaan:  Web

2.To indentify the change of alamesra after the development of ums in a few dacades after the development of ums.
To get data on the changes of alamesra in a few dacades is by  go to JABATAN UKUR DAN PEMETAAN MALAYSIA(jupem).
Kota Kinabalu ,Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan Malaysia,Seksyen Topografi,Sabah,  Tingkat 3, Bangunan KWSP,Jalan Karamunsing,  Peti Surat 13584, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah  No.Telefon : 088-212835 / 36 (ext.18).

3. using researh form to collect data about the impact of urbanization of universiti malaysia sabah to alamesra area.

Theoritical framework.

Understanding  the researh
Researh flow

Determine the researh objectif and problem
Data analisis
First   data
Second data

Researh result

Literature riview
This researh are about development and urbanization .There are also have researh about urbanization in malaysia. This researh going to study about the impact of development . in this researh i will going to find out the development of university malaysia sabah and the impact to the local area that is alamesra that are located infront of university malaysia sabah. the relation between the the development of alamesra was have relation with the urbanization of urbanization of university malaysia sabah. staff and students of university malaysia sabah also give impact to the development of alamesra especially in economic sector that give an impact to alamesra. 1 borneo shopping complex also are the factor of development in alamesra . residents now didnt need to go to kota kinaballu to get their daily needed . they will get all their needed at 1 borneo.

 to get the information about the  urbanization , i use the journal that had been write by abdul samad hadi. His title of journal is “Urbanisasi di Malaysia: Mengaitkan Kepelbagaian Proses ke Bentuk Perbandaran”.
There are three level of urbanization in malaysia (a.samad hadi).
·         First level is early urbanization of city(nascent):from 1940 until at the of twennty centuary.
·         Second level is pseudo urbanization of city:after second world war -1947 until 1970.
·         Third level is mega urbanization in city:1970 until now.

First level
This level is where the new resident were build in city that have commercial values , servis , this place were called as city at that time. At the beggening urbanization in malaysia all race have their own diversity for resident. Malay stay at village and become farmer,fishermanan and make odd work. Chinese stay at mine . indians stay at estate . they have been diverse on their own place . although malaca have great history that become most sucessful place at 15 century. Malay people still like to make resident beside the river and didnot like to make resident in one place.
Beside main city were develop , small town were also get the impact . small town become supplier to the main city . town didnot sprade into the rural area at that time but like a parasite . it take all the natural resourses at that place(a.samad hadi).
Second level
After second world war , town has destroy because of war . the development after had destroy on second world war and japanese had backoff, it was develop back by english autority.
The development after second world war almost become disaster when all young people from village go to city to get work. But goverment make very good decisions when the autority open the FELDA to poor family in village . this oppurtunity were take by people to join goverment in FELDA.

Third level
This develoment were begin at 1970 and still moving in slow development. The development were start to be faster grow when goverment launch the new economic plan(dasar ekonomi baru ) in malaysia second plan. It was started at 1971 .
The indutrial town were develop at that time . there are more industrial town were develop in malaysia . in malaysia there were three city that have become mega city:
·         Insdustrial park in klang valey ,selangor.
·         Penang , seberang perai ,kulim, sungai petani.
·         Industrial park in pasir gudang , johore.

the relation between process and form for malaysia urbanization city .development bring changes to the place that have develop.understanding  sosial process that so complecated will help to create mega city. Mega city should have good economy condition and provide job opputunity to residents .
the journal “urbanisasi di malaysia :mengaitkan kepelbagaian prosess ke bentuk pembandaran” that had been write by abdul samad hadi on 2010 . this researh are about the urbanization that happen in malaysia . it discuss about the impact and factor for the urbanization in malaysia . according to abdul samad hadi there are three level of development(urbanization) in malaysia . the level also show the change that happen to the area . from small town will go to mega city . in malaysia only have three mega city that is in selangor, johore and penang . all of this mega city develop because of education and industrial that have in this area. The outcomes of this researh show the argument that change  a situation of linearity to a complex one , has brought changing impact on natural resident . the impact were happen when there are development happen to one place . the development will make changing to any place . the role of the market has penetrated the man and enviroment relationship to produce a complex human habibtat .as the conclusion , the development and urbanization will give impact to the area place that have residents especially in industrial area and have many residents.any development and urbanization to one place will give impat to the local area. Local area also will get impact on the urbanization.

work schedule
to doing this researh on”development of university malaysia sabah(urbanization):impact to the local area (alamesra)” .this is the work schedule .


Literature review


Writing quetionary



Field   work




Key in




recommendation research report
first chapter
introduction r
researh background
researh objectif
researh problems
researh limitation
researh hypotysis
researh operation defenation

chapter 2
8.0 researh methodology
8.1 type of researh
8.2 analysis data
9.0 literature review
10.0 work schedule

Chapter 3
11.0 analysis data dan researh result

Chapter 4
12.0 researh suggestion
13.0 conclusion
14.0 reference

Urbanization in malaysia , Abdul samad hadi 2010
The effect of urbanizatin on stream hydrology in hillslope in central texas, Chan yong sung and min han li ,2010
The effect of urbanization on the quality of remnant habitats for leaf-mining lepidoptera on quercus agrifolia, Jancy k.rickman and edward f.connor,2003
THE HEALTH PENALTY OF CHINA’S RAPID URBANIZATION, E. Van de Poela O. O’Donnellb E. Van Doorslaer,2009
Urbanism, Space and Human Psychology: Value Change and Urbanization in Malaysia, Zaid Ahmad Nobaya Ahmad Haslinda Abdullah,2009
Urban Planning for Sustainable Urbanization, ABDUL SAMAD HADI, ABDUL HADI HARMAN SHAH  & SHAHARUDIN IDRUS.2006